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ISO 27001

What is ISO 27001? A Step-by-Step Guide to Information Security Management

ISO 27001 is the leading international standard for information security. It was published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). These organizations develop international standards to handle various aspects of information security, and ISO 27001 is a crucial part of the ISO/IEC 27000 series. The full name of ISO 27001 is “ISO/IEC 27001 – Information security, cybersecurity, and privacy protection — Information security management systems — Requirements.”

The ISO Framework

ISO is an independent, non-governmental organization that creates international standards. The ISO 27001 framework sets requirements for defining, implementing, operating, and improving an Information Security Management System (ISMS). This standard helps companies protect their information systematically and cost-effectively, regardless of size or industry.

Why ISO 27001 is Important

ISO 27001 provides companies with the know-how to protect their most valuable information. By getting certified, a company can prove to its customers and partners that it safeguards their data. Individuals can also get ISO 27001 certified by attending a course and passing the exam, proving their skills in implementing or auditing an ISMS to potential employers. As an international standard, ISO 27001 is recognized worldwide, increasing business opportunities.

The Three Principles of ISO 27001

The basic goal of an ISMS is to protect three aspects of information:

  1. Confidentiality: Only authorized persons can access information.

  2. Integrity: Only authorized persons can change information.

  3. Availability: Information must be accessible to authorized persons whenever needed.

Why Do We Need an ISMS?

Implementing ISO 27001 offers four essential business benefits:

  1. Comply with Legal Requirements: Many laws, regulations, and contractual requirements relate to information security. ISO 27001 provides a methodology to comply with them all.

  2. Achieve Competitive Advantage: If your company is ISO 27001 certified and your competitors are not, you have an advantage with customers concerned about information security.

  3. Lower Costs: The philosophy of ISO 27001 is to prevent security incidents. Preventing incidents saves money, and the investment in ISO 27001 is smaller than the cost savings achieved.

  4. Better Organization: Fast-growing companies often lack defined processes and procedures. ISO 27001 encourages companies to document their main processes, reducing lost time and maintaining critical organizational knowledge.

How Does ISO 27001 Work?

ISO 27001 aims to protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information. This involves identifying potential incidents (risk assessment) and defining measures to prevent them (risk mitigation or treatment). The main philosophy is based on managing risks by finding and systematically treating them through security controls.

ISO 27001 Controls

ISO 27001 controls (safeguards) are practices to reduce risks to acceptable levels. Controls can be technological, organizational, physical, and human-related. The 2022 revision of ISO 27001 Annex A lists 93 controls organized into four sections: A.5 to A.8.

Implementing ISO 27001 Controls

  • Organizational Controls (A.5): Define rules and expected behaviors, e.g., Access Control Policy.
  • People Controls (A.6): Provide knowledge, education, skills, or experience, e.g., awareness training.
  • Physical Controls (A.7): Use equipment or devices interacting with people and objects, e.g., CCTV cameras.
  • Technological Controls (A.8): Implement in information systems using software, hardware, and firmware, e.g., antivirus software.


ISO 27001 is divided into two parts: the main part with 11 clauses (0 to 10) and Annex A with guidelines for 93 control objectives and controls. Clauses 4 to 10 are mandatory for compliance. Annex A supports these clauses with a list of non-mandatory controls selected as part of the risk management process.

Summary of ISO 27001 Requirements

  • Clause 4 – Context of the Organization: Understand external and internal issues and interested parties to define the ISMS scope.

  • Clause 5 – Leadership: Top management must commit to the ISMS, establish objectives, provide resources, and support persons involved. A top-level information security policy should be documented and communicated.

  • Clause 6 – Planning: Planning must consider risks and opportunities. An information security risk assessment is fundamental. Objectives should align with the company’s overall goals and be promoted within the organization. A risk treatment plan is derived from the risk assessment and objectives, utilizing controls in Annex A.

  • Clause 7 – Support: Support includes resources, employee competence, awareness, and communication. Information must be documented, created, updated, and controlled. A suitable set of documentation, including a communication plan, supports the ISMS’s success.

  • Clause 8 – Operation: Processes for implementing information security must be planned, implemented, and controlled. Risk assessment and treatment must be acted upon.

  • Clause 9 – Performance Evaluation: The standard expects monitoring, measurement, analysis, and evaluation of the ISMS. Internal audits and management reviews must be conducted at defined intervals.

  • Clause 10 – Improvement: Improvement follows evaluation. Nonconformities must be addressed by taking action and eliminating their causes. A continual improvement process should be implemented. The PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) cycle is recommended for a structured approach.

Annex A - Information Security Controls

Annex A provides a list of 93 controls to decrease risks and comply with security requirements. Applicable controls must be marked in the Statement of Applicability.

Implementation & Certification

What is ISO 27001 Compliance?

ISO 27001 compliance means adhering to all requirements in the ISMS standard. These requirements are identified by the word “shall” before a verb. A company can claim ISO 27001 compliance by implementing all requirements, but certification from an independent body provides evidence.

ISO 27001 Mandatory Documents

ISO 27001 requires specific ISMS documents and records for compliance, implementation, and certification.

What Does “ISO 27001 Certified” Mean?

A company can achieve ISO 27001 certification by inviting an accredited certification body to perform an audit. Successful completion results in an ISO 27001 certificate, indicating full compliance. Individuals can achieve ISO 27001 certification through training and exams.

Versions of ISO 27001

The current version is ISO/IEC 27001:2022, released in October 2022. The first version was released in 2005, followed by a second version in 2013. Different countries translate the standard into their languages, making minor additions without affecting the content.

Is ISO 27001 Mandatory?

In most countries, ISO 27001 is not mandatory. However, some regulations require certain industries to implement it. Public and private organizations can specify ISO 27001 compliance in contracts.

ISO 27001 and Other Standards

ISO 27001 is the main standard in the ISO 27000 family. Other standards provide additional guidance, like ISO/IEC 27002 for best practices in information security controls.

Supporting Standards in the ISO 27K Series

  • ISO/IEC 27000: Terms and definitions for the ISO 27k series.

  • ISO/IEC 27002: Guidelines for implementing controls listed in Annex A.

  • ISO/IEC 27004: Guidelines for measuring information security.

  • ISO/IEC 27005: Guidelines for information security risk management.

  • ISO/IEC 27017: Guidelines for information security in cloud environments.

  • ISO/IEC 27018: Guidelines for protecting privacy in cloud environments.

  • ISO/IEC 27031: Guidelines for developing business continuity for ICT.

Understanding these clauses and standards ensures effective implementation and compliance with ISO 27001, helping organizations manage information security systematically and effectively.