Ensuring Contractor Safety with ISO 45001


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Contractor Safety ISO 45001

Ensuring Contractor Safety with ISO 45001

ISO 45001:2018 is the standard that provides guidance and methodologies to maintain occupational health and safety in the workplace. However, even companies with an excellent OH&S (occupational health and safety) system sometimes neglect to deliver the same level of information, training, and care to contractors and external providers as they do to their employees. Given that contractors are often on-site less frequently and time is a factor, this may not be surprising but it is certainly wrong. Health and safety are equally important for both employees and contractors. The organization’s OH&S system must protect everyone’s welfare. So, how can we ensure that contractors and external providers receive the same protection as our employees?

Protecting the Service Provider

Top management’s responsibility is clear when it comes to ensuring resources are in place within the OH&S system to meet objectives. Clause specifically mentions the control of contractors in the workplace. Top management must delegate responsibilities to ensure these objectives are met.

Key Actions to Protect Contractors:

The requirements for managing change are outlined in Clause 8.1.3 of ISO 45001:2018. Given the diverse risks and hazards across organizations, this clause allows flexibility in applying change management.

ISO 45001 doesn’t dictate exactly how your change process must work. Instead, it requires that you have a process for implementing planned changes that impact OH&S performance. This applies to both temporary and permanent changes.

Key activities that trigger the change management process include:

  1. Add Contractors to Your Training Matrix:
    Control what training has been given to contractors and external providers by keeping an accurate record. Ensure that the person responsible for maintaining the training record has the necessary information to assess contractors’ training status.

  2. Involve Contractors in Monthly Forums and Meetings:
    Proper consultation is essential. Allow contractors to provide feedback on whether their knowledge level is adequate.

  3. Develop a Special “Induction Package” for Contractors:
    This should be lighter than your normal staff induction but ensure all contractors undertake it. Record this in the training matrix to ensure a basic level of health and safety training equivalent to that received by full-time employees.

  4. Create a “Contractors’ OH&S Questionnaire”:
    Use this method to solicit formal feedback from contractors. Identify any training or knowledge gaps and address them immediately.

  5. Develop a Contractors’ Email List and Consider an OH&S Digest Email:
    Ensure the communication channel remains open whether contractors are on or off-site. This allows all contractors to have the same level of information as on-site employees. Use an electronic document signature facility for vital documentation like your OH&S Policy to ensure proof of receipt from contractors and other stakeholders.

External Contractors: How Can They Help?

Contractors should be involved in participation and consultation, communicated with, and solicited for feedback. Encourage contractors to be active in establishing and maintaining OH&S standards and to play a part in the system’s continual improvement. Involve them in reviewing their training records to ensure they are accurate, up to date, and relevant. Include these review results in your monthly forums or meetings and drive continual improvement with the information you receive.

Treat contractors’ health and safety the same as your employees. Value their opinions and feedback similarly. The benefit will be seen by everyone.

In summary, ensuring that contractors are as protected as employees under the ISO 45001 standard requires an inclusive approach. By following these steps and maintaining open communication and training, you can ensure a safer workplace for all.